
Single Page Applications (SPA) are web pages where the server transmits only a single HTML outline.
Content is then dynamicaly filled through the use of server calls and div sections.

For the first task of this lab you will create a basic framework to support this style of web page. Part B
of the lab will involve utilizing Angular toadd dynamic operation.


Web development strongly benefits from consistent and clean directory structure. This lab will take
the previous structure, one folder per checkpoint, and expand upon it. For each checkpoint in this
lab image, scripts and stylesheets should be in their own directories. This basic structure has been
provided within the web_dev directory.

All HTML content for these pages should be in an index.html page:

Folder Structure

As with previous checkpoints the html page should contain relevant link, author and Meta tags.
Meta tags should include:

Task Description

Using html tags and CSS create a close replica of the provided page:


Mini Project:Task Tracker Application


Create a simple Task Tracker application using vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to perform
basic CRID operations on tasks.


  1. Setup Project Environment
  2. Design the UI
  3. Implement CRUD Operations
  4. Test Application
  5. Document Application



  1. 1stItem
  2. 2ndItem
  3. 3rdItem
  4. 4thItem
List item title
-list item description
List item title
-list item description
List item title
-list item description


Task4:Create the HTML and CSS cod needed to display an ordered list with a specific set of CSS effects. You must use the sameinformation and styling as below.

  1. Introduction of web technology
  2. Networks and communications
  3. Object Oriented Design and programming
  4. System Analysis
  5. Problem Solving
  6. Programming Fundamental
    1. Inputs & Output
    2. Programming Control Structure
    3. Working with Methods
    4. Working with Classes
    5. Instanting & Messaging Objects

Design Requirements:

Please Note:


List of Vegetable

  1. Carrot
  2. Radish
  3. Sweet Corn
    1. Fruit List
      1. Pomogranate
      2. Banana
      3. Pears


  1. Fruits
    1. Mango
    2. Orange
  2. Vegetables
    1. Cabbage
    2. Capsicum
      1. Green Capsicum
      2. Yellow Capsicum
      3. Red Capsicum